My friend Barb posted on her blog her "secret goals/wishes/wants" I thought I would try to make a list of 15 of mine. They are in no particular order of importance. IT WOULD BE COOL TO READ ABOUT OTHERS "SECRET" DESIRES, SO PLEASE DO THE SAME!!!
1. I want to be a PA (guess that's not a secret)
2. I've always wanted to learn how to dance, although I took country swing in college, I really covet the salsa and tango. I want Jake to learn with me some day. He said he would take classes with me when we're done with school (if school will ever end).

3.I want to go to a month long yoga retreat in India far away in the mountains somewhere (I think maybe it can be a "finishing PA school present" Jake even said he'd want to come with me - I've gotten him to try yoga). I want to be able to do the poses pictured. I am on my way there, a couple about half way but it will mo


likely take a couple more years. I have also included a picture of couples yoga, one of Jake's professors at Thunderbird is going to teach us some poses. (Vassisthasan/Side plank pose, Tittibhasana/firefly pose , couples pose (?), a modification of Virschikasana/scorpion pose).
4. I've always wanted to learn how to figure skate. Although, I probably will not pursue this dream. I've come to realize the graceful dances/sports (skating, ballet...) are not "graceful
feeling,"quite the opposite.
5. I never, ever, ever want to author anything (maybe a few blog posts and some PA papers). I do not enjoy writing, let alone writing some kind of novel etc... I do not understand how others can but, props to those people (Emily Jensen!!!), because I love reading.
6. My mom (shown below) is in school to become a nurse. When I graduate as a PA I want us both to serve a service mission som

7. I want to knit/crochet a big blanket that's really soft. A

nyone know how?
8. I have always wanted to play the violin for the prophet (Thomas S Monson - right).
9. I want 5 kids (I think????), most people say wait until your first to decide!!! People in AZ think I'm a little crazy for wanting a bunch of kids.
10. My dad (shown above) is my best friend and will be forever (besides Jake), I get excited when he calls. I sometimes call him and this is how our conversation goes: "Hi, just calling to say hi, anything new?" dad: "no, just working" me: "OK well nothing new from me either, guess I'll go now." DONE hahaha.
11. If I could I would take all my sisters, sisters-in-laws, mom and

mother-in-law on a shopping spree like on the show "What Not to Wear" and they'd have to let me pick stuff out for them because I think it's fun to dress people. Jake doesn't let me dress him very often, I guess it's one of his few independent activities he's trying to hold on to (THAT WILL END SOMEDAY, I'm working on that). My sister Sara (shown left) could help me though, because she has better fashion sense than I do, so I guess me and Sara could dress everyone and then she could dress me!

12. If it were more socially acceptable I would wear wigs and extension pieces every day. I would have a totally different hair do every day. Just like the movie stars, but I don't feel Arizona is ready for that quite yet. Maybe NYC, but I know a little weird. I love all kinds of hair styles and colors and like to mix it up. Those of you who know me, know that I would switch between brown and blond every year. My goal for this year is to stay brown, so it can get healthier.
13. I want to be a part of the fan club for the movies "Get Smart, " "White Chicks" and "How to

Loose a Guy in Ten Days."
14. I want to run a marathon, I started training for a half and then developed tendonitis in my foot and knee, so this might not happen but, I want to do it if possible.

15. I want to travel everywhere, a few examples being: Santorini, Greece, Castles in the Bavarian Alps, The crown jewels in the tower of London, Bankok Thailand palace (Thai food is my favorite type of food), Jerusalem Holy Land Tour, backpack to Peru's Machu Picchu, Eat Gelato in Italy and tour Rome, New York City Broadway shows, backpack into the H

avasupai waterfalls, AZ, Boston Massachusets and sooooo many others.

(Shown at left: Top - Havasupai,Trevi FountainRome, Bottom - Bavarian Alps, Machu Picchu).